Monday, January 21, 2008

Happy MLK Day!

No, I didn't leave the "I" out of "Milk". 

It's Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. day, and we would like to remember the man who helped shape our nation in countless positive ways. More than anything, I really admire the guy for his public speaking skills. One day I plan on talking as passionately as him and hoping it gets me somewhere (probably just thrown out of the deli during my "I have been to the salami mountaintop" speech).

On a crummy note, as Chris Rock pointed out in his standup routine, for some reason MLK's name is used on the worst street in every city in the nation. I'd like to change this. I say just change it so the nicest street is "MLK Boulevard" and the worst is "Carrot Top Place". City planners, get on this.

Thanks MLK for everything and all the best to everyone affected by this wonderful figure in our nation's history.

1 comment:

People Power Granny said...

Check out I'm requesting folks who live near a MLK street to describe that street. Also vote in my poll about your local MLK Street. There's more than 780 such streets in the USA.